I've trying to limit the algorithms to the second half of each minute.... but it fails sometimes.
Now, I present here the solution for getting historical prices. I will use it in my implementation of LSSVM and Simplistic to recreate the machines described previously.
//| collectPrices.mq4 |
//| luisf.canals@.... |
//| |
#property copyright "luisf.canals@..."
#property link ""
#property library
#include "..\include\collectPrices.mqh"
* Gets the matrix of prices for currencies.
* Return a Matrix with first line for prices on moment T-K,T-K+1,...T-1.
* Each line has: High, Low, Open, Close, Volume and RSI for symbol[0],
* symbol[1],...,symbol[N-1].
* 'prices' matrix should have 1 + K x 6*ArraySize(symbols) dimensions,
* the first one for timestamps.
* Returns false if prices cannot be get.
bool collectPrices(string symbols[], int K, double &prices[][]) {
int period = PERIOD_M1;
int timebase = ((TimeCurrent()/60) - 1) * 60;
if(timebase<=prices[K-1][0]) return (false);
double line[];
ArrayResize(line, (6*ArraySize(symbols))+1);
for(int i=0; i<ArraySize(line); i++) line[i]=0;
while(true) {
for(int s=0;s<ArraySize(symbols); s++) {
int j=6*s + 1;
Print(symbols[s] + ":" + iTime(symbols[s], period, 1)
+ " - timebase=" + timebase);
if(line[j]==0 && iTime(symbols[s],period,1)>=timebase) {
// Go back in time if iTime>timebase
&& symbols[s]==Symbol()) {
return (false);
if(iTime(symbols[s], period, 1)>timebase) {
return (false);
int t = 1;
line[j] = iHigh(symbols[s], period,t);
line[j] = iLow(symbols[s], period,t);
line[j] = iOpen(symbols[s], period,t);
line[j] = iClose(symbols[s], period,t);
line[j] = iVolume(symbols[s], period,t);
line[j] = iRSI(symbols[s], 0, 14, PRICE_CLOSE, t);
bool completed = true;
for(s=0; s<ArraySize(symbols); s++) {
if(line[6*s + 1]==0) {
completed = false;
if(completed) break;
line[0] = timebase;
for(i=0; i<K-1; i++) {
for(j=0;j<ArraySize(line); j++) {
prices[i][j] = prices[i+1][j];
for(j=0; j<ArraySize(line); j++) {
prices[K-1][j] = line[j];
return (true);
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